Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A little about Miss Joeylee

Joeylee is the light of our life!! She has quit the personality along with quite the attitude! (My parents claim she acts JUST LIKE ME when I was younger) She is currently 20 months old with an opinion about everything! She will tell me what shoes she wants to wear in the morning, if she wants to wear a dress of jeans for the day, if I forget to put a bow in her hair! I love that my little girl has such great fashion sense and I find at times to be really jealous of it ;)

She has recently become the Polite Princess. Please, Thank you, Welcome, No thank you are some of her favorites. Although watch out if she tells you Thank You for something she expects and Welcome in return!!!

Lately we have had a spell of her getting hurt! At first I felt really horrible thinking my gosh I have the kid who is ALWAYS HURT or always has SOMETHING wrong! But after about a couple months of this spell Jon and I like to look at it as we just dont keep her on a tight rope! We love that she explores and is being a kid and is getting hurt in the process. Its a good way for her to learn! Our job is to protect her from the evil and thats just what we will continue to do!
Joey Before her Clogged Tear Duct Operation / Face was scratched up by her Auntie Annie and Uncles Cat / Broke her leg Bouncing on a Bosu Ball and had a full leg cast for 5 weeks

Joey loves the outdoors and coloring is her favorite! She is addicted to Barney and Yo Gabba Gabba! (she even named one of her stuffed animals Gabba and sleeps with it every night). She has a favorite blankie and it has to go EVERYWHERE!

Of course my daughter is the smartest little 20 month old that ever walked this earth! ;) She knows all her colors and can count to 10. She sings half her ABC's and can tell you her name is Joey and full name is Joeylee! She will point out things and call them out that Jon and I dont even recognize half the time. I give most of her learning credit to my dad and her preschool she attends. My dad (her Papa) plays with her in a learning way and everytime we leave them she has a new mission of what she wants to learn!

She is one of the happiest kids I know! She loves spending time with her friends! Bath time has been a favorite of hers since she was a baby. The girl sleeps in on average 8:30-10 on weekends and is such a pain to wake up on the weekdays! She takes after her parents though and is quit the homebody! If she's in a situation she doesnt like or tends to get bored she will ask to go HOME! I dont think there is anywhere the 3 of us would rather be then a day at home in our PJ's!

Joeylee has changed Jon and I for the better! Its crazy at how fast she is growing up but has made us appreciate life in a whole new way! Being parents is the best thing that has ever happened to us and we thank god everyday for giving us Little Miss Joeylee!

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